The Lower and Higher Self

Robert Earl Burton - Lower and Higher Self
Third Eye is the pearl, and the lower self is the irritant that helps the pearl come into being.

The greatest sin in the universe is when the lower self masks Third Eye. The lower self is imagination. The Higher Self is consciousness. Being in imagination costs a human being his life.

Although the lower self is incapable of recognizing something higher than itself, it is capable of destroying anything higher than itself.

Robert Earl Burton - Lower and Higher Self
Presence is not a negative emotion. It is not indignant, nor impatient. It is humble; it is not pretentious. It does not think of itself as an important person, but as a person who is present.

Try to be who you really are, and not who you think you are.

Although the lower self is incapable of recognizing something higher than itself, it is capable of destroying anything higher than itself.