
The most profound act

Death is the most profound act any of us can face.••With uncreated light, we are out of time. It is irrelevant what day it is, what month it is, what […]


Grateful to be

We have nothing to prove when we are present; we are just grateful to be.••Every week the lower self becomes weaker…and we, Uncreated Light, become stronger.•As we age, the bodily […]


The second birth

Without the second birth, the first birth is meaningless.•Any religion is successful only if its followers transcended themselves into uncreated light.•Anything apart from presence is a sin.•The lower self is […]


Angels are ambassadors

Angels are ambassadors of the Absolute.••Conscious light is everything.•It takes very little to keep man asleep and it takes a lot to awaken him.••The best way to be present while […]


Transcend time

With presence divine, we transcend time.••The more you share the light, the stronger your light becomes.•There is a vast, enormous difference between words and reality.••The greatest blessing is to have what […]

Esoteric Images

A loving gift from the Absolute

Our divine presence comes as a loving gift from the Absolute.••Why talk about uncreated light when you have it?•It requires sleep to judge.••The lower self is an irrational figure. You […]


The ultimate escape

The ultimate escape is uncreated light.••Useless thoughts beckon us to imagination.•Hysterical queens are where you find misunderstandings.••The trick is to be an ordinary person with divine presence and there is […]


Life is a sleep factory

Life is a sleep factory.••From uncreated light, you can see who you are – Third Eye – and who you are not – evil eye.•Conscious beings are the greatest collectors […]


Presence is soft and gentle

Presence is soft and gentle. The lower self is hard and abrasive.••Transformation of suffering has become a lifestyle.•We are under maximum pressure to produce Uncreated Light.•Man is an exceedingly shortsighted […]


Perceive the invisible

We perceive the invisible with the invisible.•The more you share the light, the stronger your light becomes.••The lion is not the king of beasts. The lower self in man is […]