
The future is the present

The future is the present.••We have the face of God: Uncreated Light.•Humility is the greatest courage.••The more we advance, the simpler we become.•Such power is within our reach: to become […]



Try to see your illusions and release them; the sooner the better.••We have a fate which surpasses suns and galaxies.•Man is too small to own anything but his Self.••Wit will […]

sun over ocean and between fingers on hand

Simplicity of the System

We wouldn’t have uncreated light if we talked about useless subjects.••Imagination is a disease that everyone has and no one knows about. •We are trying to live out this miracle with […]


Conscious Man

Words are cheap, presence is expensive (transformation of suffering). • Alexander Pope said, “Man is the glory, jest, and riddle of the world!” Conscious man is the glory of the […]

Robert Earl Burton – Illustration on the Simplicity of Essence

Simplicity of Essence

There is a prejudice against consciousness being childlike. Because most men do not experience this state, they imagine Divine Presence to be hard and instinctive. • The sweetness and simplicity […]